The protagonist
The protagonist's clothes are going to be stereotypically "Chav" clothes, we want to trick the audience of falling into the stereotype that this is an average Chav, not smart, violent, lazy and underachieving as that is the medias representations of Chavs.
Age: 17-19
As a matter of fact this is not an average chav, we challenge the chav conventions by making him extremely talented in the art of computer hacking, this is why are film is called "Hacked". Although the chav will still be saw as "bad" for hacking, he uses his gift to discover that there is a corrupt business stealing from the banks.
The costume of our character will be wearing 'trackie' bottoms, and trainers this will help with stereotyping him as a 'chav'. An example of what kind of trackies were looking for is shown above, we will be trying to stick as close as possible to what images will be shown.
The above image is what the protagonist shall wear on top. The connotations of a 'Hoodie' especially a branded one, is that only chavs wear them and usually have the hood up to insinuate ill harm will come to whoever 'messes' with them.
We think this would give off the right impression that we want to as we want him to look smart and professional. We want him to look as if he is higher class to give of the impression of his job being important, the social groups that could relate to this character mainly would be business people as they would have to be dressed like this to go to work. I think the character would be probably a British white male playing the character, he would be straight as a character who played this part would more than likely heterosexual. We feel as a character would be well dressed and looked quite sharp then he would be quite wealthy.
The costume of our character will be wearing 'trackie' bottoms, and trainers this will help with stereotyping him as a 'chav'. An example of what kind of trackies were looking for is shown above, we will be trying to stick as close as possible to what images will be shown.
The above image is what the protagonist shall wear on top. The connotations of a 'Hoodie' especially a branded one, is that only chavs wear them and usually have the hood up to insinuate ill harm will come to whoever 'messes' with them.
This is an example from a film, Adulthood as you can see from the pictures the main characters in the film are all dressed up in trackies which make the audience think straight away that they are chavs so we automatically assume what the characters are going to be like and how we expect them to act in the film. So we want to try and challenge the stereotype in our film and make our protagonist a clever character.
The antagonist
The antagonist is going to be a man aged between 18-19, we plan on making him look quite smart so our idea is to have him dressed up in a suit, with a white shirt so with the scene focusing on the antagonist he can pull his sleeves down and adjust his tie making him look quite professional.
We think this would give off the right impression that we want to as we want him to look smart and professional. We want him to look as if he is higher class to give of the impression of his job being important, the social groups that could relate to this character mainly would be business people as they would have to be dressed like this to go to work. I think the character would be probably a British white male playing the character, he would be straight as a character who played this part would more than likely heterosexual. We feel as a character would be well dressed and looked quite sharp then he would be quite wealthy.
This is an example from the mean in black film, as you can see the character looks pretty professional and we instantly think of him highly and quite an important character all because of how he is dressed. This is how we want to make the audience of our film feel when they are watching it; we want them to think why the man is dressed how he is and what he is up to.