How did you attract/address your audience ?
A way we attracted our target audience and caught their attention is by displaying the typical themes of a Thriller movie, which is what our target audience will be interested in and seek out according to the gratification theory, according to it they will seek out what they enjoy in movies specifically, so we adhered to what they are most likely to like in a thriller. We used tension music, fast shots and a threat of violence from a mysterious antagonist, we also subverted a stereo type to make the movie more interesting as well, this will draw the audience in with its unique twist.
If we were to have created a trailer this would all be displayed in it in a way to catch our audiences interest and be hopefully what they are looking for, unfortunately a barrier to being a small movie producer like us is we don't have any money to get big named Actors to feature in our film like other big studios have the advantage of doing. This is of course a barrier to attracting our audience but if our audience is seeking a fast paced, jumpy, tension music filled film with interesting subverted stereotypes, who the actors are won't matter.
Movies with similar themes to ours would be Source code, Die Hard, Wall Street:: Money never sleeps and Enemy of the State, all the movies have a similar aged target audience, have fast paced cut shot action scenes, a threat of violence from an antagonist, tension music and interesting main characters.
Another draw back we encountered with our low budget movie was although we had regular movie filming equipment it wasn't as high spec of that of big movie producers, some have electric powered tracking dollys to catch moving action this makes for a better shot, and would have come in handy for making the perfect shot of our protagonist running, it was hard to film just pushing the dolly along the track as the timing had to be right. We also didn't have as many hands to man the equipment so it took more time than it would if it were in more experienced hands too, this all is a barrier in the technical element of making a professional movie.