Friday 11 April 2014

Evaluation Question 7

Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you that you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Underneath is a link to my Preliminary task and its evaluation; I did this with a different team to the one I was in for my main task and the time length for the main had to be 2 minutes long. 

My Preliminary Task

And here is my recent product, my main task. 

I have improved on a lot of skills since my preliminary task, some being my communication skills as this time we had longer than an hour to film our product and we relied more heavily on our team members to work together to get the shooting and editing done, I have improved my team skills as well because of this.

The creativity in this 2 minute film opening was a lot more detailed, because we had more time to add techniques and story line where as in the preliminary we didn't. The 'Panning' technique of our main task was also a lot better and longer in caparison to the preliminary task one.

Our main task started a nice steady pan at: 0:44 - 0:57
The preliminary task started a pan a shaky pan at: 0:38 -0:40
When these are compared, you can see how our techniques have improved since then, to help create a better final product, this is an indication of the progress we have made with techniques.

Soundtrack was also added to our Main task as an atmospheric influence, this made the movie seem more professional as well. We did not have time to add that creative process to our preliminary task because creating a sound track on soundtrack pro would have taken too long. 
Similar creative processes between our products would the use of match on action, both scenes showed great match on action this can be saw at 0:06 on the Preliminary task and 1:06 on the Main task.
What have I learnt during the course?

Since taking this course, I have learnt the technical aspects of how film productions make movies, I have gone through the research and planning structure which taught me camera techniques, editing techniques, rules and script writing rules along with other things, this all prepared me for when filming, I had 2 smaller other shooting stages which helped me handle equipment and learn how to edit sound and film on the Mac software. Which prepared me for the main task. 
What i personally learnt doing this course was that it takes team work to make your product and all the other blog posts relating to your final product because you're only as strong as your weakest link when working in a group. It also takes communication skills as this is import when in the filming stages, not just communication with your members of your group but with your actors and class as well. A great opportunity to communicate was when we pitched our idea to our class, we took the role of "presenters" at trying to sell our movie plot line.